Book Update: Submitted, and Committed

A Social History of Amateur Music-Making and Scottish National Identity: Scotland’s Printed Music, 1880-1951

Post Office van drives away down the road
When the 1st book was posted in April 2012!

Nothing to see here today! I worked out how to create a Zip File (I’ve only ever opened other people’s before), zipped all the book components into the file, and sent it off this morning. Last time, I took the book manuscript and the USB sticks to the Post Office, and photographed the mail-van taking it away. This time? No hard copies, no USB sticks, no Post Office (it’s gone) and no van. As I said, there’s nothing to see!

Next, it has to be reviewed – luckily, I’m not a nail-biter!

Thanks, everyone, for following the blow-by-blow update on Karen’s Second Book. I’ll give you all a break for the next week or so, as I catch up with other areas of my life

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