Great Expectations (not invariably fulfilled!)

It has been an interesting week in the library.

At the start of the week, I had a query from a colleague. I pointed out some possible books, and then shared the query on a couple of mailing lists. The next three days saw an absolute deluge of emailed replies.

I went to St Andrews, did my research (mine, nothing to do with the query), came back and found some more responses. I have never had so many replies. Well, it was an intriguing query, to be sure. The scholarly community proved itself amazingly generous, suggesting people to contact and resources to consider. I passed them on gratefully!

Today, at the end of the week, came a completely different query, which should have played to my own specialisms. Could I find anything? I’m afraid not! It would have been nice to have pointed to useful resources, but there was really nothing to point to. It seemed ironic that I was asked because of my expertise, but this time the well was dry!

Worse still, I didn’t want to risk being quoted speculating, when I had nothing to offer. It wouldn’t do my reputation any good at all!

I replied thoughtfully, but carefully. I do hope it won’t be disappointing!

I suppose you win some, you lose some …

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