What a Day! Action-Packed …

I attended a lunchtime concert, gave a talk, and heard a doctoral presentation. Surprisingly – or maybe not – I’m knackered!

‘What are we doing in St Andrews?’, the books asked.

I have a bone to pick with Mozart Allan. I brought a backpack full of his publications with me. If anyone has seen a small, middle-aged woman with a heavy backpack, staggering around St Andrews, the lady is not a tramp! It just renders me incapable of going up or down stairs at anything faster than snail’s pace.

I really HAD to bring Morven with me, but I was starting to regret my decision before I’d even reached St Catherine’s Lodge yesterday morning! Much as I love my travelling companions, I’ll be glad to put them safely back on my shelf at home, where they can talk about the exciting time they had being the centre of everyone’s attention.

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