Change of Perspective

This is Fleshmarket Close in Edinburgh. It’s an absolute killer! I hadn’t ventured up those steps for some years – I swear they’ve got worse – and although my bags weren’t heavy, I was ready for a breather 1/3rd of the way up, and 2/3rd, not to mention at the top!  Fitbit says I’ve put in my steps quotient, but annoyingly didn’t count how many flights of stairs I ascended, which is ironic.

But I was on a mission, and I did reward myself with a cuppa when I got to the University Library. 

It’s good to go to a different place to study. (The library,  I mean, not the cafe …)  I think that in itself puts one in a frame of mind to come up with fresh ideas.

It was something of a scoping exercise. Now I need to sit and think about what I found, and its potential as a future research project. Tomorrow will doubtless  see me writing away until I get my ideas in order.

I’ll leave you with a couple of publisher’s rejection letters – nothing to do with music or my research. I just stumbled across them, and smiled:-

Publisher to naive would-be authors:-

‘Dear Madam, […] For a book of merely 43 pages, 370 illustrations is excessive …’

Or this one:-

‘Thank you for offering a MSS on Cats and Reptiles.  I regret that neither subject would be likely to suit our programme which is chiefly school and expository’.

I wonder if the author ever DID get their MS accepted somewhere?!

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