Daily Distractions (Cough, Splutter)

He went on holiday, and all he brought me back was this measly chest infection. Well, I’m back at work now, but not entirely 100% yet. Take today. On my agenda is the intention to re-read both versions of my how-to-index-a-book guidelines, and make a start. But that couldn’t happen before a telephone GP-appointment, followed by an actual one …

Then my home desk needed decluttering, after a week’s indisposition. Finally, I remembered that I’d wanted to check a 1951 exhibition catalogue for something that had occurred to me between coughing fits. It was, I thought, only viewable in a handful of Scottish libraries – which would be problematical if I was keeping my intermittently-coughing self away from places where I’d be undesirable. (It’s definitely not Covid, but I can hardly wear a placard saying so.)

And then ….

I found a Copy to Purchase!

I can’t tell you how much better I suddenly feel. I’m like a child whose mum has just bought them a wee treat to help them feel better! Now I can look closely at the catalogue without embarrassing myself by coughing in a public place. I’ve wanted to get my hands on this item for ages – since I saw a library copy a year or two ago. Even though I have already written a book essay about what I found then, I now have another question to ask it, so owning my own copy will be very exciting. Hurry up, postie!

Okay. It’s lunch-time. Here’s hoping I manage to avoid distractions this afternoon!

Image (pile of catalogues) by Lutz Peter from Pixabay

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