The Fellow’s To-Do List

It’s only four weeks until Induction Week at the University of St Andrews!  From knowing I’m going to be the inaugural Ketelbey Fellow ‘in the autumn’ – a vague point in the future – it is suddenly an actual thing happening in a month’s time.  

So, on my first research day back after the vacation then the IAML Congress (leaving aside the fact that I wrote my way through almost my entire vacation), I took a deep breath and started a new To Do list.

And suddenly it wasn’t so much a question of, What am I going to do now I’ve submitted the book?, as, Where do I start on all I’ve got to do now I’ve submitted the book? It feels like there’s quite a bit to do – but I do now know the bus times, and I’ve reached out to a couple of libraries about things I need to know, so I’ve made a start.

I’ve got two guest lectures lined up, and interestingly – but perhaps not surprisingly – the monograph throws up several possible topics. It’s easier to see them, now the whole thing is written.

Indeed, although one lecture title is provisionally settled, I can see several other possibilities to choose from for the other one, which is gratifying. (Although I managed to get Dorothy Ketelbey into my book, I don’t know if I could get her into a lecture. It was only a passing mention. And yet ….)

But before that … one or two other things to catch up on. I’d better get started!