I’m an Honorary Fellow

A lovely thing happened this afternoon. I am honoured to have been elected, along with two esteemed colleagues, as an Honorary Fellow of our professional association, IAML (UK & Irl).

When I retire from music librarianship soon, I will have been in post 36 years. But I will actually have been a music librarian for 39 years – and a librarian for almost 40.  Where did the time go?

Memories of the Newsletter (Ebay image)

My first ‘role’ in IAML was as Newsletter editor. (Anyone remember Roneo stencils and that pink correction fluid?) And my last has been as Communications Chair.  I tell you, blogging is a doddle compared to those stencils!

I’m grateful, and humbled, to have had my efforts recognised.  I feel a bit undeserving,  but I AM very grateful!

Already a lover of libraries and music!

[The photo? A little girl who wanted to be a librarian like her uncle  … because libraries were always her favourite place!]