What are Weekends for, if not for Applications?

Focus on the Positive

Well, this has been an interesting weekend. It has encompassed both the sublime (filling in a Fellowship application) and the ridiculous. Completing an application turned out to have been exactly the right thing to have done, in the circumstances, because it put the unrelated storm-in-a-teacup properly into perspective.  It even banished a migraine  – quite remarkable! The expression, ‘Focus on the positive’ has a lot to be said for it.

Not, I hasten to add, that I have submitted the application yet – but at least I’ve written what needs writing.  I am NOT planning on turning to daytime TV in my 66th year – I can’t think of anything worse. So, plainly I need engrossing things to do, once I’ve had the dreaded birthday.

When it comes to filling in online forms, the best thing is to print them out for easy reference, and then to draft answers to the various questions.


That way, you can write under headings reflecting the different parts of each question; ensure nothing gets omitted; AND keep count of how many words you have used. I’m getting quite good at condensing down sentences and simplifying wording where my first response would have been just too wordy.

So, I’ve made up a title for my proposed project (I did that when I woke at 5.40 am and couldn’t get back to sleep!);

Composed a 50-word summary (that fitted the time between getting ready for church and actually setting off);

and answered all the questions, in between cooking Sunday dinner, eating it, and supper-time.

However, there’s another question I must ask myself: as well as writing under all the headings that the form requires, I also need to ensure I’ve showcased anything that I feel relevant.  That’s a task for Monday night!

I feel as though I’ve had a busy day, but I’m happy with what I’ve achieved. 

What will next week bring?!

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