Quiet Contemplation: but You can Help!


I’ve reached the point where I need to find more grant-funding! I seem to be at a bit of a cross-roads, needing to decide whether to forge ahead immediately with the Stationers’ Hall research, or take another road which will bring me back to it eventually, having gathered more useful data on the way.

There’s also the question of my own status as a researcher.  Neither “new” enough nor “old” enough for early-career or emeritus awards, nor established enough to say that I’m in a “permanent academic post”.  Permanent, yes.  Academic-related, certainly. But ….!

Meanwhile, please do give me feedback on what the Claimed From Stationers’ Hall network has achieved so far.

  • What have you enjoyed?
  • What have you learned/gained from following it?
  • Has it given you fresh ideas?
  • Have you shared information with other people  or taken new actions yourself?

I posted similar questions on the Facebook page yesterday.  I am more than happy for you to talk to me and share your ideas!


Why have I fallen silent? Well, not totally mute, but the thing is … I’m looking for more grant-funding and trying to…

Posted by Claimed From Stationers Hall: Early Legal Deposit Music on Wednesday, March 20, 2019


National Library of Scotland Slam Week

Nothing is more satisfying than talking about one’s research passion. So, clearly, this announcement from the National Library of Scotland would prove irresistible:-

NLS Events – Slam Week

“The National Library of Scotland Slam Week offers a platform to tell an audience and a judging panel about your work.

“Compete in one of our slams and you will have three rounds (each two minutes long) to convince the judges that you are the worthy winner.There are two slams to choose from — research or poetry — and both are free to enter. “

I saw the announcement a few weeks ago, and initially hesitated. I could say plenty about our research network, but could I say enough about my research in NLS? But then I saw another online announcement, thought again, and realised that actually, there was plenty I could say. Without further ado, I signed up! I wonder if anyone I know will be there?

2018-01-21 10.58.19

The research slam is on Wednesday night, 24th January, at 6 pm. Sitting here in Glasgow this weekend, and scowling balefully at the snow outside, I have been praying that the weather forecast will prove correct and that both the pavements and public transport will have returned to normal by Wednesday!

There are three rounds in the research slam, and we can now speak for a maximum of three minutes in each session (there are only seven entrants):-

  1. Overview of research topic
  2. Using the Library’s collections, and approach/methodology
  3. Research impact

I’ve written my three contributions – and there’s still time to polish my prose! I felt a little wobble when I realised that the 2017 winner produced their contributions in poetry! I can only write limericks or metrical verse, and my last effort at poetry fell flat on its face, so I think I’d best stick to normal sentences for my own attempt!

Maybe I’ll see you there, dear reader?