A Social History of Amateur Music-Making and Scottish National Identity … being Advertised by Routledge!

I was all set to blog about the Librarian’s Last Tuesday, but my lunchtime discovery makes all that stuff about library owl mascots and jazz CDs seem rather trivial!

There I sat, half-heartedly eating my sushi, when it occurred to me that I hadn’t yet looked to see if my forthcoming book is advertised on the publisher’s website yet. I practically dropped the sushi in surprise (it wasn’t Boots’s best effort) when…

A Social History of Amateur  Music-Making and Scottish National Identity

There was my book looking at me! It’s the first time I’ve seen the title on the cover that I chose a few weeks ago. 

I haven’t even seen the proofs yet, and I’m still indexing it, but it’s really exciting to see its outward appearance.

Okay, it was the Performing Arts Librarian’s Last Tuesday.  But it was also the last Tuesday before I cease to be a partially-seconded researcher. In eight days I’ll be a part-time Post Doctoral Research Fellow.  Still indexing the forthcoming monograph!

Coming soon …