35 years in one post

I omitted to note that this week is my 35 year anniversary of being in the same library post at RCS. Having said that, I have …

  • Had 3 children (minimum maternity leave each time) and seen them grow up.
  • Done a self-funded PhD in my spare time; also gained Fellowship of CILIP and Advance HE. Nearly forgot – I did a PGCert too. My commitment to CPD is, I suggest, exemplary!
  • Published a book;
  • Written a number of articles and papers etc;
  • Nearly finished the second book;
  • Am looking forward to a part-time visiting fellowship in my part-time research secondment.

I just haven’t managed a promotion πŸ˜•. Still, apart from that big fail (a single, male former colleague once said that anyone who didn’t move on and up was not a success), at least I have some other successes to my name!

Has anyone said that to you? How did you respond?

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