36 years today

We sedated the cat, loaded the car, waved the removal van off, and left Tyneside for Glasgow.

From public to academic librarianship. But also in time, to three sons, and a second attempt at a PhD (this time successfully completed).

I know, I said I must stop looking back. But I haven’t forgotten where we started!

May 1988 … Shields Gazette


Nice to realise that, the day after submitting my 2nd book MS, today is the 180th anniversary of William Dauney’s death & 214th anniversary of John Stuart Blackie’s birth.

Dauney was in my PhD, and Blackie is in my second book. Pictured, are Dauney’s, ‘Ancient Scotish Melodies’; and Blackie’s, ‘Scottish Song’.

Incidentally, my book draft now has to get reviewed, so please do keep your fingers crossed for me! I shall be on tenterhooks for the next few weeks.

35 years in one post

I omitted to note that this week is my 35 year anniversary of being in the same library post at RCS. Having said that, I have …

  • Had 3 children (minimum maternity leave each time) and seen them grow up.
  • Done a self-funded PhD in my spare time; also gained Fellowship of CILIP and Advance HE. Nearly forgot – I did a PGCert too. My commitment to CPD is, I suggest, exemplary!
  • Published a book;
  • Written a number of articles and papers etc;
  • Nearly finished the second book;
  • Am looking forward to a part-time visiting fellowship in my part-time research secondment.

I just haven’t managed a promotion 😕. Still, apart from that big fail (a single, male former colleague once said that anyone who didn’t move on and up was not a success), at least I have some other successes to my name!

Has anyone said that to you? How did you respond?